Tuesday, June 3, 2014

At Least Its Bulletproof

         Bulletproof yeah well yeah. Oh the things La Roux can do. The song is up beat and fun to listen to. I like lyrics. They are catchy. The music throws the song off its course. The music is really poor. The makeup and wardrobe bombs it. I like Roux but she needs to improve on her songs. I like the song a lot. Overall the song is pleasing but can do much better if La Roux would have worked on this song more. Hey everyone sorry for not posting finals got in the way. But those are done. Now I have summer school with friends. So I might not post every day but if I don't post one a day then the next day I will have to post 2 to even it back out. For all things music reviews keep it on Paul's Summer Blog. PH Shout out to Curtis and Luke for being a beast

9.2/10 Amazing

        + Up-beat song
        + Lyrics are catchy
        + Song has a good tune to it


        - Music video is a disaster

        - Wardrobe and makeup looks trashy

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