Friday, May 23, 2014

What's There Not To Love?

         I heard this song in my Spanish class. I was getting to putting it on the list and reviewing. I am going to review it. There are just some co. I have nothing to critic on the song. But just one thing. The beginning could be a little better that's it. The very beginning of the song is not well played. The instruments sounded cluster making it unbearable to listen to. But, then when the song went on I enjoyed listening ever. The instruments are so clean and soo peaceful causing me to listen to the song over and over. Piano Guys have re worked the song to a fantastic piece of music. The song its self is incredible. I love the song Titanium and I love the way Piano Guys made it work. Now for the music video. The music video is very well thought out. The different areas outdoors are very colorful and pretty. The music video ties in perfection with the song. The song feels like nature and the Piano Guys did a great job. Overall the song scores great. For all things music reviews keep it on Paul's Summer Blog. PH. Shout out to Bethany V. We have the best conversations lol.

10/10 Masterpiece Editors' Choice 


      + Clean and well thought out song

      + Instruments are played wonderfully

      + Music video is stunning

      + Fantastic beat never gets worn out

      + Good collaboration with Titanium

      + The song is fresh and peaceful


   - Beginning of the song is a little too slow 

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