Tuesday, June 28, 2016

I didn't have that Bieber Fever

On June 22, 2016 I went to my very first huge concert performed by Justin Bieber's 'Purpose' tour. It was amazing to see such a great amount of volume and how great the performance was. The setting was stunning and each step he took was well fitted. However, the lip sync and the messing up of the words 'Love Yourself' was such a disappointment and Justin took no chances to perform it live.  Justin performed his old hit songs such like 'Baby' and 'Boyfriend'. That really was the highlight of the concert it was incredible to see Justin perform those songs live. Overall, I had a blast with seeing my first concert, but I wish it was actually live.

5.5/10 Mediocre 

+ Staging was gorgeous 
+ Throw back songs

- Lip Singing
- Messing up lyrics

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